September was the month that we really took the time to talk about specific strategies that you can use to bring your vision to life, to execute. Some of the topics we dug into included – Weekly Planning, Time Hacks, and Reflection and Adaptation. The August and September Planning Series is supposed to be something you can come back to over and over to really help you get reinspired and refocused – so check back in when you need a boost!

Here are the 10 most important things I think you can take away from the September Planning Series:

Weekly Planning: Part One and Part Two

  1. The first, most important, step to good weekly planning is simply setting aside the time to get it done. Be selfish. This is time for you to make sure you are moving towards your dreams.
  2. Integrate working towards building positive habits in your weekly plan. These will help you “shortcut” some effort later on. I can’t recommend the book Atomic Habits. enough.
  3. Make sure you share the weekly plan with your work teams and family. They can’t be expected to help you if they don’t know what is going on.

Time hacks:  Part One and Part Two

  1. Some weeks feel like you literally have NO time. But many times, it is possible to find time by fitting in some smaller projects in the downtime- waiting for school pick up. Think about some “fringe” times that might help you fit more in.
  2. Set a timer and figure out what you can knock out in a “five minute burst”
  3. Just say no. Everything you say “yes” is a “not” to something else.

Reflection and Adaptation:  Part One and Part Two

  1. Reflection is easily overlooked, but critical to improving your planning process to ensure you are meeting your goals.
  2. The weekly review is a critical piece of the reflection process – without it, you don’t truly learn from the lessons of the week.
  3. Manage your discouragement and celebrate your wins. This is about getting better every day, not complete perfection.

What’s Coming in October

I have had to slow down to a weekly post to accommodate my school schedule, but Work and Mom is still super important to me, so I am going to marry the work I am doing for my doctoral Literature Review with my blog! As we get ready to vote in December, I am going to be taking a deep dive into the Motherhood Penalty. The long-term wage disparity that exists for working mothers across races, ages, and educational levels. Stay tuned!

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