Hi, I’m Kristen!  Join me as we redefine what is means to be a working mom.  I believe we can succeed at both work and home – let’s get it done!

My StoryMe

I have been a working mom since my first baby boy arrived  on January 1, 2011 and since then I have  taken a crash course on what it takes to get ahead at work and at home.

My first son was born  with Stage 5 Rhabdomyosarcoma.  My plans to return to work following eight weeks of maternity leave morphed into returning to work while my newborn underwent  multiple surgeries, 42 weeks of chemo and 6 weeks of radiation treatment.  But as all of you know, you do what you have to do- and my cancer baby is now a healthy eight-year-old with a one-year-old baby brother. 

I started Work and Mom because I hate the image of the dirty, disheveled mom, surrounded by crap, struggling to get by. Working moms are strong, we are organized and we have real goals in life that are bigger than just the proverbial “I didn’t even have time to shower.”

Come with me on this journey.